Gaining planning permission can be a complex process. To guide you through this we have drawn up a list of frequently asked questions.

We can talk you through the details and implications and see how they relate to your land, so please feel free to call us today.

Gaining Planning Permission can be a complex process. To guide you through this we have drawn up a list of frequently asked questions.

We can talk you through the details and implications and see how they relate to your land, so please feel free to call us today.


Planning Choices

There are a number of different routes available to a landowner in order to realise Planning Permission Approval for Residential use on their land. They could pay for and manage the process by themselves or find a house builder to do it for them. Alternatively, they can find a promoter such as The Land Home to handle the complete Planning and selling process.

The Costs

In a Land Promotion Agreement the Promoter will use their own resources, funds and expertise to pay for and manage the entire Planning Process within a given time-period. This can cost anywhere from £50,000 to £250,000+ depending on the size, nature and complexity of the site. These costs are repaid only if planning is gained.

Option Agreements

For larger sites, it may be possible to enter into an Option Agreement. This gives the option holder a right to buy the land once it has obtained Planning. For the Landowner, there is the opportunity to receive an up-front payment.

  • Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who are The Land Home?

    The Land Home is the trading name of Land Home Limited, a newly formed company founded by Andrew Jewson and Mark Pritchett. We specialise in identifying potential Development land and Promoting these sites for the landowner to achieve Planning. Together we have over 50 years of experience in preparing and submitting Planning Applications, building commercial and residential property, and selling land to Developers and House Builders.

  • What is a land promotion agreement?

    A Land Promotion Agreement (LPA) is a legal document whereby the promoter applies for planning permission on behalf of the landowner. Land Home manage the entire process and pay for all the required surveys e.g. Highways, Ecology, Topographical, Design, Planning and Application costs at no risk to the Landowner. Should the planning application be successful the proceeds of the sale of the land are divided, with the majority going to the Landowner.

  • Is my land suitable for development?

    There are many factors that can affect development potential, such as location, size and the nature of the surrounding area. The Local Council and Neighbourhood Development Plans and Environmental features such as Green Belt, AONB and Flood Zones can have a major impact on land values. Speak to us about your land, without cost or obligation.

  • What is my land worth?

    Land values can vary from £250,000 per acre to over £1.5m per acre depending on location, suitability and potential Development use. For any given site, space must be provided for amenities, infrastructure and open-spaces and these can affect the price of the site.

  • How do I get Planning?

    The Planning Application Process has many components. The site is assessed for its suitability for appropriate development - residential, retirement, affordable, local needs, commercial, or a mix of these. Ecological, highways, topographical, arboricultural and archaeological surveys may be required. The Land Home works with architects, masterplanners, planning consultants, local Parish Councils and District Councils to create the most suitable scheme, with the highest likelihood of success.

  • How long does Planning take?

    Planning is not a quick process and can take up to two years and in some cases considerably longer. A Planning Application takes a minimum of 3 months to prepare properly and, with many professionals to liaise with, it may take longer. Once an Application has been submitted, the Council has up to 13 weeks to reply and this process may be extended if revisions or an appeal are required. Once Planning has been obtained a sale usually takes at least a further 6 months to market and complete.

  • What are the costs of Promoting my land?

    The costs of achieving Planning can vary depending on the size and complexity of the site. A typical Residential site of 5 acres can currently cost a Developer between £100,000 and £150,000. Land Home provides its own services for free and uses its own funds to pay for the Planning Process and Application. The direct costs of the Application are deducted from any subsequent sale.

  • Is it expensive to develop the land myself?

    Undoubtedly yes. In addition to the large Application Planning costs, it can cost several million pounds to build houses and the associated infrastructure (for example roads, utilities and drainage). In addition, there are Local Authority costs, such as Section 106 Payments, Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), and Highway Improvements. Because of the expense, it is best to use a well-funded promoter like The Land Home, to pay for the application and to secure a sale to a House Builder.

  • Can The Land Home promote my land?

    We would welcome the chance to speak to you confidentially about your land and give you our thoughts on its potential. We promote land nationwide, with particular focus on Central and Southern England, and the Home Counties, where land is most in demand.

  • Why use The Land Home to promote my land?

    Let the experts help you to maximise the value of your land. Enlisting our help makes sense and as a partner with a share in the final sale proceeds, it is in our interests to minimise the risk and maximise the potential, in the shortest time possible. The Land Home also uses the best Consultants for each project. We take all the risk, do all the work and pay all the fees.

  • Who pays for the work The Land Home does?

    The Land Home uses its own funds to manage and pay for all aspects of the Planning Process and Application. Working as a partner with the Landowner, it takes a share of the proceeds at the end of the successful sale of the land. The Land Home aims to return around 75% to the Landowner. This compares favourably to many other promoters.

  • Is now a good time?

    The UK desperately needs more new homes and there is a growing appetite by the large House Builders to secure land for future Residential developments. Emerging Local Plans are therefore looking more favourably on designating land for development. Local Councils are increasingly putting out "Calls for Sites", whereby Landowners are asked to express their willingness for their land to be developed as part of a Neighbourhood Development Plan.

  • What is the NPPF?

    The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) sets out the Government's Planning Policies and how they should be applied by Local Councils. It is a key part of Government reforms to make the Planning system less complex. The Framework acts as guidance for Local Planning Authorities and decision-takers, both in drawing up plans and making decisions about Planning Applications.

  • What is a 5-year Land Supply?

    Every Local Authority in England is required to demonstrate that they have enough land for house building over the next 5 years. This requires them to work out how many new houses are required over the next 5 years and then to calculate how many houses will actually be built (based on houses currently being built and the Planning Applications granted). Failure to demonstrate a 5-year supply means that Planning Permission can be harder to refuse.

  • What is a Neighbourhood Plan?

    Communities can shape development in their areas through the production of a Neighbourhood Development Plan. The NDP can set out policies and plans like a Development Plan Document, but on a very local scale. Subject to conforming to National policies, as well as local plan policies for the area and gaining support through a referendum in the local area, this plan will be adopted as a formal part of the Development Plan. This means that Planning decisions have to be made in accordance with the Neighbourhood Plan (and other parts of the Development Plan) unless material considerations indicate otherwise.

  • Are there other Land Promoters?

    Other land promoters are available, but we strongly advise that you check how many projects they are working on. The Land Home takes on only a limited number of projects at any one time, so that we can give priority to your site. Many Promoters also have their own Development business, which can create a conflict of interest. They may be aligned to a single House Builder, effectively handing your site over to them. The Land Home do not have a Development business and we are unaffiliated to any Builder. We therefore aim to provide a higher return on the sale.

  • Can I get a fee upfront?

    In some cases, yes. With larger plots of land, an option fee can sometimes be agreed. On smaller sites, The Land Home may even pay a nominal upfront fee to demonstrate our commitment to your project.

  • What is an Option Agreement?

    In an Option Agreement, the Landowner enters into a formal agreement with a promoter. The Option holder pays an upfront fee in return for the right to buy the land at a specified time in the future, at a price based on the value of the land once Planning Permission has been successfully obtained. If planning is not obtained then the landowner keeps the Option Fee and retains the title to their land.

  • What about Tax?

    Any agreement must be carefully structured to ensure the most advantageous tax treatment for both parties. With large sums involved, we always recommend the Landowner seeks their own tax advice. There are situations where the sale of land is viewed by HMRC as free from Capital Gains Tax (CGT), such as where the land is part of the existing main residence. We can recommend an independent, specialist tax advisor who is highly familiar with such issues. Entrepreneurs Relief and Inheritance Tax may also be considerations.

  • What about VAT?

    Land is normally exempt from VAT, which means that VAT is not charged on the sale. However, VAT cannot be recovered on the costs incurred in Promoting and Selling the land. A Landowner can "Opt to Tax" their land for VAT and this enables the Landowner and Promoter to reclaim the VAT on their expenses. VAT is then charged on the sale of the land. This is not an issue when dealing with a VAT-registered Builder. However, please be aware that some House Builders dislike land that has been elected for VAT, as this can affect the cost of Stamp Duty.

  • Making Planning Happen